Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Live over 100

Its late, very late in London. 02.13 to be precise and here i am blogging away. There is something about the night that i completely like. Daytime is too noisy and fast but at night, its very peaceful, quiet and everything pretty much stops. Evidently this isnt always the case depending on where your part of the world is. Its a lot noiser in piccadilly circus for example but lucky for me i dont live in Central London. I would like to live in Central London though, South Kensington maybe.

There is an article on the times website about a professor who is due to give a speech saying that humanity has a moral duty to pursue scientific research that can enable us to live past 100 years as a matter of routine.,,2-2083349,00.html

I dont believe that human beings should live past our natural sell by date. We are born to live and then die, its really that simple. I find it odd that people dont wish to accept that. God or Mother nature (depending on your beliefs) have designed it that way and for good reason too. I dont want to be taking up space thats meant for the next generation of humans. Life is like a play, you go on stage and play your part and when its done you exit. Even if science makes it possible to be 70 or 80 and be fit as a 20 year old, i dont think that would change my take on the matter.

If it works then it will be available to everyone or to some. If its available to everyone then the human population would be beyond comprehension. Its bad enough that most of the people on the planet are poor, this would just exacerbate the situation. Imagine the ghettos with 10 times more people, there'd be more muggings, rapings, killings etc.

If its available for some then there could be friction between the two "classes" of people. That presents a whole plethora of problems. On a personal level how many of your family and relatives would you watch come and go.

Leave it as it is i say.


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