Tuesday, July 18, 2006


1.42 am.

Listening to Method man Ft. D'angelo. Break ups 2 make ups.

I hideously like this song and it is one of those songs that takes me back to a particular time. The human brain is cool like that. A particular song, scent or even sound can take us back to a moment in time.

One of the songs that does this pretty much every time i hear it is Jon Secada's just another day. I can still remember exactly where i was when i first heard that song. I almost hate the song because of this fact. It reminds me of a different time, a different place and almost a different world.

I was on the steps at the back of the house, there were about 8 flights of steps to the ground. There was a party in the distance somewhere. I could hear the chorus loud and clear, the sounds flowed through the night carried by the soft night breeze. I was still quite young, probably not more than 12. I was in a village, an african villlage. A most beautiful place, with an entirely different way of life. I loved the night times in the village, cool breeze, ridiculously clear skies, people having conversations over a distance of hundreds of yards. And the stars. Stars like you wouldnt believe.
I remember one time there didnt seem to be many stars in the night sky and so i thought i'd count them. I started out well but then i got confused as i wasnt sure which ones i'd counted and new stars seemed to be popping up all the time. I can categorically state that it is impossible to count the stars in the sky.

My father was still alive back then.

It is true. You dont know what you have till its gone.

Divorce happens. I am a child of my time.

If you are/were married, please ensure that your child sees the non custodial parent. I am not talking about once a month or some meaningless crap like that. In todays world, it seems de rigueur to try to prevent the child from seeing the non custodial parent. Barring evidence of abuse or something like that, there is no reason let alone excuses for not doing so.

I saw my dad adequately enough. I didnt realise it at the time but he taught me a lot of things and only now that i am older do i realise this. He taught me that you could get through to someone by talking to them, he never smacked any of us kids, he seemed to have a ridiculous amount of patience with us. Within reason, he let us do as we pleased and was rarely on our case.

I wish to the heavens he was still alive. I would like to know what he would make of me now that i am older.

I will never know, at least not in this lifetime.

This post was meant to be about something else but has somehow evolved into this.


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