Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Writer's block

I have writer's block.

Technically speaking i am not a writer in the traditional sense however this blog involves writing and thus i am a writer. In a non-traditional sense of the word of course. My rate of blogging has gone down from at least once a day to once a fortnight which is this current post. The reasons are varied, the end of my semi-self employed phase and plunge back into the world of 9-5's and monday to fridays was the first. The list of reasons now includes such luminaries as laziness, a different state of mind, an addiction to a computer game (what?) and family problems. The end result is writer's block.

I just realised something, in my twenty five years on this planet, i have never been the source of problems within my family - If i have been, they haven't mentioned it to me - while everyone else has pretty much had a stab at being the cause problems. Part of the reason is that i tend to see things differently from virtually everyone i have met thus far in my life. The things that drive others up the wall i remain almost worryingly calm about - this tends to drive them further up the wall - while the things that grieve me deeply seldom registers on other people's scale. This is the way it will be unless i change myself, this wont be happening as i like me a lot.

My writer's block will hopefully be gone soon enough. Thank heavens i am not a professional writer, i'd have been out of a job by now. See, i knew there was a positive side to this. :-)))


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