Saturday, March 18, 2006

Truth be told

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"
Spoken by Jesus 2000 years ago, those words are still very accurate.

At some point between the ages of 17-19, i realised that honesty really was the best policy; maybe not in the short term but definitely in the long run. I took this new found wisdom to heart and consequently, i'm a very honest person even when it is not in my best interests to tell the truth. I have continously and consistently increased my percentage of truthfulness. Currently 90% of what i say is the truth as i believe, 7-8% contain exagerrations/embellishments and the rest are plain old lies. I dont think it can ever be 100% truth as that would mean perfection and the laws of human beings state quite clearly that perfection is impossible. All we can do is get as close to it as possible.

In the last few days, one of the very few lies that i have told in the last year or so was almost exposed. This lie related to my working life and although it wasnt discovered, it cost me an opportunity. I was subsequently annoyed with myself as it became evident that i should have told the truth from the start. So much so that i really cant see why i lied, granted it was supposed to make life easier but the truth would not have made things that more difficult if at all.

I have now made the necessary adjustments in that aspect of my working life. The results are very pleasing, my achievements are there for all to see and funny enough i am fiercely proud of them. It may cost me an opportuntity but i'm convinced that it will bring me opportunities that the lie would not have.

One more reason for me to continue my quest for near perfect truthfulness.

"There is more honor in a single truth than in a thousand great lies".

That's not a bad quote is it, i just made it up right now. Hope i can live by it.


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