Saturday, September 16, 2006

Vide Cor Meum

I was going to post about something else but that will have to wait because something awesome just happened as i was about to put finger to keyboard.

The song "Vide cor meum" by Patrick Cassidy started playing. It was composed for the movie Hannibal starring Anthony Hopkins and was also used in Kingdom of Heaven. I didnt see the movie Hannibal when it first came out but saw it years later on Sky movies. By the end of the movie i was in love with this song and in my mind it is THE highlight of the movie.

It starts with a most wonderful, angelic and magnificent choirlike voice that pierces straight to your heart. The interchange of voices, the way the voices blend and the way the orchestra plays the accompanying piece is........beautiful. It truly is beautiful.

The end is just beyond words. The woman's voice rises, reaches a wonderful peak and softly fades and is gently followed by the man's. Deep but not too deep his voice sweetly complements hers, all the more poignant for what it is he is singing..."Vide cor meum". "See my heart".

A sample can be found here


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