Monday, March 20, 2006

Little things

Evening people.

Listening to Anita Baker - Sweet Love. Did i mention that i think she kicks a whole new level of butt. Her voice is awesome, very powerful and dynamic. I remember listening to this when i was a kid.Its fair to say my wide ranging taste in music has its roots in the broad spectrum of music i was exposed to as a child.

The picture on the left is part of my girlfriend's continuing plan to stop me and my current fascination with various biscuits. Apparently this stuff is healthier. Well the plan is working and i am enjoying it too. The bananas were ok but the grapes were awesome. I prefer white grapes myself but the red ones did themselves justice.

So what little things about those close to you do you like?

The most endearing thing about my girlfriend is that she has her inner child. As we grow up, it seems that we are very eager to drop all our childish instincts so that we can be accepted into the world of grown-ups. While there are good things about being grown-up, one of the worst things is the loss of our inner child. Watching children take in the things around them with utter fascination always brings a smile to my face. This evening my girlfriend with childlike fascination and a big smile on her face watched the pyschedelic screens on Windows media player. She even got me to join in and after a while, i found myself saying "wow" as the screen flickered and changed.

I hope she never abandons her inner child as long as she lives.

Back to Anita Baker. I'm now listening to Body and Soul which is absolutely one of the best songs ever. I'm talking top 10 stuff here people. This is a statement of fact. Dont believe me then listen to the song especially from the bridge to the end. If at the end you still disagree then hang your head in shame and go without a bath for the rest of the day.


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