Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Everybody is a dreamer. You, me, him, her, them, everyone single human on this planet. We are all dreamers. It is why we get up in the morning and bother to leave our house. Dreams are good for the human body and mind, they are a source of hope. The thing about dreams though is that they need to be fulfilled; if not they become not a source of hope but of frustration and anger even.

The other crap thing about dreams is that they are seldom easy to achieve. They usually require a lot of hardwork, irrational thinking and sometimes a leap of faith.

I have worked in a lot of places in my short time on this planet and i have met a myriad of people. The personalities of course differ greatly but the common factor is that they all have dreams. Dreams of doing something else, of being somewhere else, living a different lifestyle, learning a different language, following their hearts desires.
Another common factor in most of these people was the lack of action regarding these dreams. Most people just sit there and dream while doing little to make their dream a reality. Why? Why do we do this? The answer is simple, fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear like we all know is a powerful thing.

I am trying to follow my dream. Like i have mentioned before, i am semi self-employed. The downside is a lack of job security, immense frustration and a downturn in my fiscal wellbeing. The upside is a slight (but not complete) sense of achievement, i am learning new things and generally my current state of employment is better for my mental well being. The last point is almost priceless. I have seen too many miserable employees in my 7 working years and i hope to heaven that i do not end up like that.

My advice is to follow your dreams but be very aware and prepared for the crap that comes along with doing that.
One more caveat. Follow your dreams but only within the limits of reason. Going on a trek around the world while leaving your little child with relatives for example is not cool IMO.


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