Friday, March 16, 2007

A simple life

00.26 am.

Listening to evanescence and discussing whether they are going to hell or not. Apparently they used to be a christian band before and now they are seemingly not. I hope they dont go to hell, if there is a hell. They have made some good music.

"Save me, call my name and save me from myself".................i fucking love this song. It kicks ass.

I am definitely a night creature. Perhaps in another lifetime i should come back as a bat. They can fly and have the very cool thing of hanging upside-down without it seems the slight problem of headrush. I am certain they dont know how bloody cool they look. Plus the whole covering themselves thingy with the wings is quite impressive.

So yeah maybe i'll come back as a bat in another lifetime and live in the music museum and listen to evanescence and stuff.

I always wonder what life is like for animals. I am of the belief based on very little evidence that they have a more contented life than us humans.

I must interrupt to annpounce that the girlfriend does not know the theme tune the movie "for a few dollars more". I am absolutely appalled. The film is a classic western and the theme tune is just awesome and i thought it was known by everyone my age and above.

Clearly the girlfriend needs educating. Clint Eastwood, i apologise on behalf of my girlfriend. Please forgive her ignorance.

Oh, apparently she says she knows it. Hmmmmm i'm not sure if i believe her.

So yes back to animals. When i was younger we had a few dogs. Three of them stand out from the rest: Bruno (A dog that wanted as much human interaction as possible), Brandy (a very cool looking dog if i say so myself) and finally Jimmy (A runaway-ish dog who was possibly the coolest dog to be around).
I recall sitting outside on cool nights with a very cold bottle of water (1.5litres) for both of us. Naturally i drank from the bottle while he got his from a bowl into which i poured.

There is something about dogs that makes one feel as though they can understand what you are saying. I remember having conversations with Jimmy - naturally they were one sided.

My gosh i feel all woosy. 10 years ago i was in Africa doing totally different stuff and no idea i'd be sitting here bloggin away 10 years into the future. I wonder what i was doing exactly 10 years ago.

Jimmy seemed primarily concerned with just eating, drinking water (no alcohol), shitting/pissing, sleeping and of course playing. Life, distilled down to its very basics.

I guess we could and should learn from other animals and try to lead a more simple life.

The downside of course is there'd be no blogs.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Just realised that its been almost 2 months to the day since my last post.

It has been a very very very up and down year for me so far. By the grace of him above, there are 9 months to go and hopefully, they will be much better.

I know a guy who says "man proposes, God disposes". How true. How bloody true.

Its 01.12 am, the girlfriend is asleep a few feet behind me. She truly is beautiful. I tell her this a lot and it pleases me that she knows just how fit she is. Naturally she isn't perfect but then again, if i wanted perfection i'd go and get a manniquin. Okay that is officially the first time i have spelt manniquin. I dont even know if that is how it is spelt but hey its all good.

The last few years, specifically since Jan 2004, i have been drifting. Very much like a raft being carried to no particular shore by the waves.

There is however a danger that the drifting may become permanent and this is not ideal. Balance is necessary. A state of equilibrium between drifting enough to ensure life is not all about work and a working life that ensures life is not all about chilling out 12/365.

Balance. The universe is built on balance, on equilibrium. How absurd, of me to talk about the universe like i know jack shit about it. Still i exist within it so i have formed an opinion of some kind about it.

Anyways, i have to go and eat now. My terrible eating habits are still very much with me. Oddly, this does not worry me too much. Principally because i am in the main healthy - or so i think - and i am not in any danger of becoming slightly overweight, sick etc.

A toast to terrible eating habits.

There goes the microwave. My meal of choice, Noodles with 1 boiled egg.